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Feature Detection Using SIFT

  • Author: Jiamin Yao
  • Published On: July 08, 2024
  • Category: Blog


In image processing, feature detection is essential for recognizing patterns, objects, or keypoints within an image. This document outlines the process of using the SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm for feature matching, particularly useful when the target image may be scaled compared to the actual icon on the screen.

Google Image


Screen Image


Key Steps in Feature Detection

  • Finding Keypoints and Descriptors with SIFT
  • SIFT is a powerful algorithm for detecting and describing local features in images. It is scale-invariant, meaning it can detect features even if the target image is scaled. The first step is to find keypoints and compute descriptors for these keypoints using the SIFT algorithm.

  • Brute-Force (BF) Matcher
  • BF matcher is a straightforward method for feature matching. It takes the descriptor of each feature from one set and matches it with all features in another set using a distance calculation. This step finds potential matches between the two sets of features.

  • Applying Lowe’s Ratio Test
  • Lowe’s Ratio Test is applied to filter out poor matches. It compares the distance of the closest match to the distance of the second closest match. Only matches that pass this ratio test are retained, significantly reducing the number of false matches.

  • Drawing Matches After Lowe’s Ratio Test
  • After applying Lowe’s Ratio Test, the matches are drawn to visualize the correspondence between the keypoints in the two images. This step helps in verifying the quality of the matches.

    Lowe's Ratio Test Matched

    Lowe's Ratio Test Matched Feature

  • Applying Homography
  • To account for possible errors in matching, RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) is used to estimate the homography between the two images. Good matches that provide correct estimations are called inliers, while the remaining are called outliers. This step ensures that only accurate matches are considered.

  • Drawing Matches After Homography
  • After determining the homography, the matches are redrawn to show only the inliers. This refined matching further improves the reliability of the feature detection process.

    Inliers Matched

    Inliers Matched Feature

  • Getting and Drawing the Center Point of Keypoints
  • Finally, the center points of the keypoints on the screen are determined, and their coordinates are stored. These coordinates can be used for further processing or analysis.

Inliers Matched

Center Point of Feature Matched


In conclusion, using SIFT for feature detection allows for robust and scale-invariant matching of keypoints. The combination of BF matcher, Lowe’s Ratio Test, and homography with RANSAC ensures accurate and reliable feature matching. This process is crucial for applications where precise object recognition is required, such as identifying icons on a screen.